
Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Blog


Taking Advantage of the Digital Switch: CFO Admits Lying to Receive Medicare’s Electronic Health Records Incentive Payments

Mention the phrase “card catalog” to someone over age 30 (or maybe 35?) and they will recall searching for books in the library by leafing through small notecards listing titles, authors, and Dewey Decimal numbers. Mention the phrase to a teen and you’ll probably elicit a blank stare. The card…


Protecting Those Who Protect Us: Pursuing Scammers Posing as Veteran-Owned Businesses

As Veterans’ Day approaches, our firm would like to take a moment to thank the men and women of the armed forces who fight for our freedom and our safety, individuals who risk their lives for the American dream. We owe a debt of gratitude to each of you and…


Health Care Fraud Scammers Leave Honest Americans Facing Impossible Choices, Care Denials

Most Americans know someone who has struggled to get needed care approved by his/her health insurance provider. As a result, many feel forced to choose between medical care and other essentials. A survey conducted by a national network of food banks found almost 2/3 of client households faced the unenviable…


Health Care Whistleblowers: Dedicated to Ending Health Care Fraud

Health care whistleblowers are, in our humble opinion, pretty amazing people. They speak out against some of the nation’s biggest and most powerful companies, often taking their concern public after butting heads with company executives. Others see the same wrongs that whistleblowers spot and many are similarly upset, but whistleblowers…


Feds Convict Houston Group for Psychiatric Care ‘Sham’ Against Medicare

Home healthcare, physical therapy and prescription drugs have been some of the more common examples of healthcare services that have been used to defraud Medicare, and, as our blogs have pointed out, many of the most notorious schemes have been emanating from Miami and South Florida, the national epicenter of…


The False Claims Act: From Shoddy Civil War Uniforms to Costly Defense Contracts in 2014

As readers of this blog know, the False Claims Act (“the Act”) is an important tool for combatting health care fraud. The Act allows our Northern California whistleblowers’ law firm to partner with private whistleblowers to fight back against schemes that divert tens of billions of dollars from Medicare, Medicaid,…


Brazenness, Perhaps Overconfidence Were Evident in Detroit Medicare Fraud Case

Medicare fraud and brazenness seem to be pairing up with troubling frequency these days, as individuals determined to illegally enrich themselves at the taxpayers’ expense are coming up with increasingly blatant schemes. We learn about these fraudulent endeavors when the fraudsters are caught stealing, but unfortunately, as we have discussed…


Best Price Fraud – A Form of Manufacturer-Committed Health Care Fraud

Best Price Fraud, like many other types of health care fraud, is at once complex and quite simple. At heart, Best Price Fraud is about drug manufacturers lying to the government in order to increase profits. Likewise, the claims filed against the perpetrators are about the truth. Whistleblowers come to…


Pharmacies Engaging in Health Care Fraud

Americans spend nearly $1,000 per person on pharmaceuticals each year. According to PBS, this is nearly 40% more than is spent per person in Canada, the next highest spender. To explain the discrepancy, PBS notes that Americans take more drugs than any other county and the high costs of medications,…


Unsealed Indictment Puts Spotlight Again on Miami as Nexus of Medicare Fraud

When the owner of a Miami home healthcare agency was arrested this week in connection with an $8 million Medicare fraud scheme, attention was refocused on how home healthcare services have proven to be a fertile field for fraudulent schemes. And San Francisco qui tam lawsuit lawyer Gregory J. Brod…

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